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The End Of Division movement ends the practice of dividing humanity into separate groups. But why?


Because every group — nationality, ethnicity, race, etc. — is an intrinsic supremacy and functions as such, automatically forming a supremacy called us and a dehumanized excluded inferiority called them, the outsiders.


Each us gives the well-being (rights, safety, prosperity, happiness, social status, lives, etc.) of its members a higher priority than that of the group them establishing a supremacy.

Us and them, secondarily known as tribe-members and outsiders, is lying terminology for superior and inferior, person and non-person, being and non-being, being and object.

Us and them can never be equal and never will be because inequality is intrinsic to the tribe-members and outsiders construct. Simply removing a Person from the group us removes them from the tribe and assigns them to the inferior status and position of outsider, them.

The tragic effects of this us and them paradigm are so obvious and omnipresent throughout history and current events that to list examples is needless.

This movement is necessary because our division into separate groups leaves a divided humanity forever locked in the dichotomy of inclusion and thus supremacy for us versus exclusion and thus inferiority for them.

Division creates an inequality of both concern for well-being and power between us and them causing distrust, discriminations, slights, neglects, abuses, and aggressions creating suffering, conflict, destruction, dysfunction, stagnation, catastrophe, and death across the planet until the end of division.

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