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The End Of Division movement ends division by ending our practice of identifying by difference (identifying as objects) replacing it with the practice of only identifying by sameness, recognizing ourselves only as consciousness that is:


I am an instance of consciousness, awareness, the looking: a conscious being, also simply called, a being.

Being — that which looks (but cannot be looked upon).

Object — that which does not look (but is looked upon).

We are the looking, awareness, consciousness, that which looks but cannot be looked upon. We are not objects, that which does not look but is looked upon.


The intrinsic nature of the looking is to recognize that the looking is taking place but only as the looking, never as an object looked upon.


All who recognize themselves and all other beings as instances of the looking, as instances of consciousness, not as objects such as the following:


bodies, minds, thoughts, identities, qualities, characteristics, opinions, emotions, words, actions, roles, status, positions, etcetera


have abandoned their separate identities and groups leaving one us (all beings) with no them to be in conflict with: THE END OF DIVISION.

The act of abandoning all of our separate identities and groups for a single common recognition (being) and a single common group (all beings) is called dropping out of division.

When one has dropped out of division, they wear a white wristband or a white finger ring letting the world know that they are participating in The End Of Division movement allowing us to witness the world dropping out of division in real time.

The white wristband or finger ring lets everyone know that you have abandoned the fictional identities that once excluded them from the group us and that you are in the process of psychologically destructing those fictional identities and their underlying pathological mythologies:


nationality, ethnicity, race, tribe, biological sex, gender, sexual orientation, ideology, religious identity, political identity, etc.

The further falsification and destruction of the fictional identities and their underlying pathological mythologies and psychologies will be disseminated to the world through The End Of Division YouTube channel and related social media and through person to person transmission resulting in a world-wide positive cultural metamorphosis known as the dawning of The Age of The End Of Division, the dawning of The Age of Love.

From here we move forward with the sole purpose of The End Of Division movement: to immediately prevent and end all suffering and immediately produce the perfect well-being of all beings.

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