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The End Of Division movement brings an end to our practice of identifying by difference and replaces it with the practice of only identifying by sameness:


am a being, an instance of — consciousness, awareness, the looking.


This applies to sex & gender as well. Being is the only identity in The End Of Division movement.


What then of woman, man, girl, boy, she, and he?

Recognizing ourselves only as beings, as instances of the looking, is not a denial of distinctions in the body such as human, lion, shark, woman, man, girl, or boy.


We still call lion bodies lions and male and female human bodies men and women as well as person and people.


We recognize that we (lion, human, etc.) are all simply beings (instances of consciousness) and that the body is an object (that which does not look) being looked upon by the looking (consciousness, beingness, awareness).

But we also recognize that it is necessary to honor distinctions in the body that give rise to non-trivial differences in function, understanding, capabilities, needs, or power: Man–Woman, Lion–Human, Adult–Child.

The terms woman, man, girl, boy, she, and he allow us to represent, communicate, and accommodate the non-trivial differences in function, power, capabilities, and needs created by or heavily correlated with biological sex difference. That is why we keep them.

The End Of Division movement does not support the use of personal gendered pronouns or custom non-binary pronouns, as the movement's job is to bring humanity out of false identity and ego, not to take us further into them. If a person does not want to be referred to as man, woman, boy, girl, he, and she — then person, them, and they are used instead.

Because man, woman, boy, girl, he, and she are used to represent, communicate, and accommodate non-trivial differences in function, power, capabilities, and needs rooted in biological sex difference, The End Of Division movement does not refer to transgendered bodies as woman and man but instead as transwoman and transman.

This means that there are four circumstances and thus four categories, not two.

woman, transwoman, man, transman

The End Of Division movement treats these four separate categories simply as people until non-trivial differences in function, power, capabilities, and needs rooted in biological sex difference make it abusive (unfair, dangerous, etc.) to do so:

Women, transwomen, men, and transmen sit in the boxing arena together, but in the boxing ring — women box women, men box men, transwomen box transwomen, and transmen box transmen.

In this same boxing arena scenario — both women and trans women use the women's restroom and both men and transmen use the men's restroom, as doing so is not abusive as most people cis or transgendered are not going into the restroom to sexually assault someone but simply to use the restroom.

In children's sports, side by side placings are used to avoid unfairness on the one hand and alienation of the transgendered child on the other hand. The transgendered child and the cisgendered child who came in just behind them both share the same placing.

Transwomen go to transwomen only prisons, and transmen go to transmen only prisons. Women go to women only prisons, and men go to men only prisons.

Transboys and boys go to boy scouts together, and transgirls and girls go to girl scouts together.

The End Of Division movement brings an end to humanity's practice of identifying by difference (as objects: bodies, identities, etc.) and replaces it with the practice of only identifying by sameness:


I am a being, an instances of — consciousness, awareness, the looking.

Being — that which looks — but cannot be looked upon.

Object — that which does not look — but is looked upon.

We are not flesh and blood bodies to be males and females and men and women. We are instances of the looking peering through objects called male and female human bodies.


I am not a man though I answer to man and he. I am a being, an instance of the looking that is consciousness peering through a male human body. The human body, man, maleness, and masculinity are all held here, but I am only consciousness peering thru them all.

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